Imagine life with a pace that is slower and a purpose that is simple. The Back to the Land Store offers a community-based, family-oriented approach to healing and restoring our natural surroundings. We offer non-electric grain threshers, windmills, cookstoves, and a variety of how to seminars! By breathing new life into old ideas and techniques, nature is invited to play its desired role in providing for the necessities of life. Grow a small amount of grain for family or community and thresh it with our foot powered thresher. Use the power of the wind to make work easier with a custom Aermotor windmill and provide both nourishment and heat without the need of electricity or gas with one of our wood burning cookstoves. Our products welcome you to a new journey with a clear vision to get back to simplicity, back to nature, back to family, Back to the Land.
Agricultural Products
Think green with our incredible line of environmentally conscious agricultural supplies. Open pollinated offer the assurance that if you work the land, the land will work for you.
Basic Equipment
Embrace your pioneer spirit with equipment that will create pure, simple, trustworthy results. With a water pumping windmill or an always ready cook stove, arrive at a place outside the box of dependence on modern appliances.
Kitchen & Home
Get back to nature with kitchen and home materials designed to enhance your creative cooking experiences. Learn to use nature’s yield in order to produce delicious, healthy results. Learn all about the basics of going “Back to the Land” through Pam Smith’s Bread Baking, Beginner Cooking, Intermediate Cooking, Soap Making, Food Preservation, and Quilting seminars.
The Back to the Land Store .
We can’t wait to welcome